Product Details:
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Phone Number: | +86 15153838492 | Whatsapp / Viber / Imo: | +86 15153838492 |
LINE: | Helendiesel | Wechat: | Helendiesel |
Email: | Helendiesel@outlook.com | QQ: | 2784035336 |
>> Product Summary
1. DENSO original , Brand new |
2. Model number / part number : 095000-6030 , 095000-6031 , 095000-6032 , |
3. Professional diesel parts supplier |
>> Company Summary
We sell original diesel parts, including brand BOSCH,DELPHI,DENSO,CUMMINS, CATERPAILLAR,ZEXEL,VDO,YANMAR and so on .
We are ready to cooperate with car services and other companies in long term business and offer discounts for big orders. if you cannot find the necessary parts please give us a message and we will try to help. If you have some questions or if you like to know about our other products please send message or call me .
Email: helendiesel@outlook.com |
Phone number: +86 15153838492 |
>> warranty and gurantee
We guarantee the parts are original and genuine .
Why you should only fit Genuine DENSO Parts
> High quality design and manufacturing |
> Provide the optimum performance |
> Rigorously tested & approved for safe road use |
> Meet or exceed O.E specifications |
> Ease of fitment due to O.E spec design |
cheaply made parts could be unsafe, won't last as long, may not fit properly, and will cause more problems and expenses in the future .
>> Payment and Shipment
1. Payment methods: bank transfer (T/T wire transfer) , western union , Paypal, master card, credit card,etc
2. We can send the products by DHL , EMS , FEDEX , UPS , Post air mail , and so on.
Please conact with us for more details, we will provide the best solution based on your .
3. We can make a lower value invoice for your country's customs clearance if you have this request .
>> Other FAQ
1. Q: Do you have a catalogue?
A: Please contact us and offer your Email and Whatsapp to send the catalogue.
If you want to check any price of any products, please feel free to contact with us.We will reply you soon !
2. Q: I can’t find the product on your website, can you find it for me?
A: Our website dose not show all of our products. So just let us know what product do you need ,and how many do you want . We will try our best to help .
3. Q: Can I become an agent / dealer of your company?
A: Welcome of course , If you want any kind of cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact with us.Thank you !
Thank you for visiting our website!
We carry world wide range of automotive parts at competitive price.
please browse our product categories and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
please bookmark our website and welcome you come again, thank you !
093400-5010 DN4PD1 , 093400-5040 DN0PD4 , 093400-5060 DN15PD6
093400-5200 DN0PD20 , 093400-5210 DN0PD21 , 093400-5310 DN0PD31
093400-5320 DN20PD32 , 093400-5370 DN0PD37 , 093400-5410 DN10PD41
093400-5581 DN0PD58 , 093400-5630 DN10PD63 , 093400-5980 DN4PD98
093400-6000 DN0PD600 , 093400-6030 DN10PD603 , 093400-6050 DN0PD605
093400-6090 DN15PD609 , 093400-6190 DN0PD619 , 093400-6280 DN0PD628
093400-6340 DN0PDN113 , 093400-6500 DN0PD650 , 093400-6810 DN4PD681
093400-6850 DN0PD685 , 093400-8220 DN0PDN112 , 105007-1000 DN15PDN100
105007-1020 DN0PDN102 , 105007-1030 DN4PDN103 , 105007-1040 DN0PDN104
105007-1050 DN0PDN105 , 105007-1060 DN0PDN106 , 105007-1080 DN0PDN108
105007-1090 DN0PDN109 , 105007-1100 DN0PDN110 , 105007-1120 DN0PDN112
105007-1130 DN0PDN113 , 105007-1140 DN0PDN114 , 105007-1170 DN4PDN117
105007-1180 DN4PD1 , 105007-1210 DN0PDN121 , 105007-1223 DN0PDN122
105007-1240 DN0PDN124 , 105007-1250 DN0PD55 , 105007-1271 DN0PDN127
105007-1280 DN0PDN128 , 105007-1290 DN10PDN129 , 105007-1300 DN10PDN130
105007-1310 DN0PDN131 , 105007-1330 DN0PDN133 , 105007-1350 DN10PDN135
105007-1360 DN0PDN136 , 105029-3010 DN10PD131
095000-0040 095000-0660 095000-5220 095000-0042 095000-0670 095000-5230
095000-0060 095000-0710 095000-5240 095000-0070 095000-0720 095000-5250
095000-0130 095000-0740 095000-5260 095000-0139 095000-0750 095000-5270
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095000-0150 095000-0780 095000-5360 095000-0151 095000-0790 095000-5370
095000-0160 095000-0800 095000-5420 095000-0170 095000-0810 095000-5430
095000-0176 095000-0820 095000-5440 095000-0180 095000-0830 095000-5450
095000-0184 095000-0880 095000-5470 095000-0190 095000-0940 095000-5480
095000-0200 095000-0950 095000-5490 095000-0204 095000-0960 095000-5500
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095000-0240 095000-1050 095000-5560 095000-0260 095000-1080 095000-5570
095000-0263 095000-1090 095000-5580 095000-0270 095000-1100 095000-5600
095000-0272 095000-1110 095000-5610 095000-0280 095000-1120 095000-5650
095000-0285 095000-1130 095000-5660 095000-0300 095000-1140 095000-5740
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095000-0410 095000-1210 095000-5840 095000-0420 095000-5000 095000-5870
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095000-0540 095000-5130 095000-5980 095000-0560 095000-5140 095000-5990
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